Where is Gloombears?
Gloombear's Provisions is a UK online shop that you can buy games and hobby products from. We purchase from wholesalers in the UK and we store products ourself (just like a shop would). We don't dropship or use another company to pack and ship the goods. This means we see the actual products before sending them to you.
Who is Gloombear?
During the days of lockdown I went on an adventure to learn about the wonders of Dungeons and Dragons. Not only did I make friends from across the world playing games online but I also created my own world in which I would set games.
Within this world their was an Orc merchant who owned his own franchise. His name... Gloombear. The name of his stores... Gloombear's Provisions. Now Gloombear was an old ex adventurer who liked to play with magic. The Gloombear's logo you see today is a youthful Gloombear just before he set off on his adventures. Gloombear had a pet that he acquired during his travels called 'Biggles'. Biggles was a magical cross between a monkey and an Ayeaye.
Now the franchises of Gloombear's Provisions were all run by wacky and magical beings. One being a goblin named 'Smittens' who would roll around and bounce off walls.
Why is Gloombears?
Those who know know. GOTG
Running Timeline
Current improvements under way:
1. An unboxing video for each product, showing you the contents of what you're buying. (Videos recorded, waiting for the audio to be recorded and mixed with the video)
2. A video of the product being used/ a review from the Gloombears team to give you a taste and better insight into what the product has to offer. (A few games have been tried and tested, which are awesome! Will be working on the videos after the unboxing videos are complete).
3. A Gloombear's specific text rating and review for those who like to read. (Some first impressions have been added to a few products but these will be updated and completed as the fully review of each has been completed and we've had time to play the games ourself).
4. Widen our product range. We have lots of companies that we are currently filtering through to hand pick more of the best games for you.
5. Update the website to show the discount price before you get to the cart. (coding required)
6. Find the best ways to minimize our impact on the environment. (already sourced packaging from a supplier who shares values of reducing impact, more information below)
6. Currently only delivering to the UK. In the future we will be looking to go worldwide.
What else do we do?
We order our packaging from Priory Direct, a Carbon Neutral SEDEX company, which let's our packaging be delivered by DPD Carbon Neutral.
As we make more orders we gain 1% rewards which we will be using to donate to charity.
If you'd like to read up more about the company we use here is the link.